Find Your Voice

There is something nerve-wracking about baring your creative soul  in vulnerability to the world, you know? But as I continue to explore me, this is part of it. So this poem I wrote over a year past has been on my mind so now it becomes part of my thoughts to the world…

Find Your Voice

Why so silent
My precious one?
You are wonderful
So precious,
Created to sing
To speak
To whisper
To shout
To be heard!
Find your voice
And let your joy find its way
To encourage, to comfort
To love.

Oh, my heart sings
So full of joy
Full of my glorious one.
Find your voice!
What you’ve done so far
All you’ve said
Are simply shadows,
Echoes, really,
Of the glory inside of you.
Touch your heart,
Open it up and pour out
Everything you have!

Find your voice
My intimate lover.
The power and glory and majesty
That is in you,
That IS you
Desperate to come out
To overflow out onto those
Who are starving and thirsty
For who you are.
So open your mouth,
Find your voice
Speak the Word
Sing praises
Shout your love.
My precious, glorious one
My darling among maidens,
My dove, my perfect one.
My Bride.