A world that cannot be shaken

This is thoughts from one of my devotionals from class…

“Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee” (Isaiah 26:3)

I was talking to a customer today, and he was discouraged and feeling despair- I could almost physically feel the hopelessness washing out from him. He was caught up in the financial instability, and even though he was glad that Obama was elected, this man didn’t see how things could be fixed. He said it was a scary time and scary place. I told him it could be, if I was focused on this place, but I know of a world that cannot be shaken, so what’s happening now doesn’t really frighten me. We had an interesting discussion – he was intrigued, but I don’t believed he was convinced – but that scripture made me think of that conversation. Even when the world around us has crumbled, God will keep us in perfect peace if we train our mind on Him and trust Him.

I honestly didn’t think about that before, but I realize that now. God is bigger than any situation I can come up against, so what’s the sense in losing my peace? If I can keep my mind focused on Him, I can ride the waves of a rocky economy or a trying school day with grace and the authority of the love of God. It’s surreal, but so true. God gives me peace in the middle of a storm, a peace that passes all rational understanding.

He is so amazing.